
Catering facilities at the airports in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm

Sector : Catering

Location: Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm

Products: Cold rooms, doors and refrigeration units


KIDE has installed cold rooms, doors and refrigeration units in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm for one of the leading catering suppliers for European airlines.

Customer requirements

The aim of the project was to develop the catering and packaging areas at the airports in the aforementioned European cities, so this was a huge challenge. In this industry time frames are extremely demanding and tight, for which reason KIDE’s responsiveness had to be very high at all times, from the moment the project started right up until final delivery.

Thousands of people use this service every day, which is why the customer was clear that we would need to comply with the set time line. Any failures to meet deadlines could equate to a huge loss for the company.

Solution provided by Kide

KIDE’s work went beyond simple installation of its cold rooms and refrigeration systems. “We drew up a plan for all cold rooms and the cold area, with their doors, panels, cold rooms, work (packaging) rooms and refrigeration systems. We assembled and installed all the equipment using a turnkey approach. In other words, we did everything related to the refrigeration and we also offered logistics services, with all the complexity they entail.”

The comprehensive nature of our service is what makes our solution stand out on the market. A customer as rigorous as the one for this installation project really values us being able to achieve a highly detailed level of personalisation and fulfilling their time line and quality standards.


As mentioned above, one milestone we’re proud of achieving with this project is having this demanding customer profile be left satisfied with our work. They continue to call us, year after year, consolidating our position as one of their trusted partners.

In addition to this project, we already had experience with these installation works, including those at the airports of Basel, Berlin and Amsterdam

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